For King & Country

I love when people living in the spotlight share their health struggles. It helps the public better understand the millions of people living with chronic illness, and it shows those of us with chronic illness that our disease does not define us! We can fulfill our callings, just like these great humans!

For King & Country is definitely one of my favorite bands, and it just so happens my best friend works for them as well. The band is made up of two brothers, and one of them is living with Ulcerative Colitis (shout out to my diagnosis!). Check out this article on a little bit of their journey.

Way to spread ‪#‎ibdawareness‬ Joel and Luke! I hope you win all the awards you are nominated for at the K-Love Fan Awards this weekend, but even more importantly thank you for sharing the love of Christ every day!

for king and country

Weight Fluctuations

I’ve been working on an educational post, but instead I decided to post something personal. Something that I, just like most 20-something year old women, too often let define me. My weight.

The semester before I was diagnosed with UC I was considered slightly overweight (I probably needed to lose 10-15 pounds, but at 21 it seemed like 100) and suffered from symptoms of unknown origin. I wasn’t obese but I was puffy, uncomfortable, embarrassed, and exhausted. I was so determined to lose the extra pounds, I registered for a jogging and conditioning class even though I knew my body could not handle the stress. I spent most of the class time pretending to get water while I was actually getting vehemently ill. Basically… I was an idiot.

Fast forward 3 months. I lost 30 pounds in 30 days. During those days I barely had the strength to sit up, much less look in the mirror. I first saw my “new self” in the door of the hospital elevator. I almost asked my mom why that little girl was staring at me until I realized she was me. I laughed at first… then I cried. My clothes hung off me, my bones were showing, and I had zero muscle mass. Obviously I already knew this, but actually seeing it somehow made it much more real. For the first time, I realized how seriously ill I actually was, and I was terrified.

One month later I had gained about 5 pounds. I was determined to go back to college (under doctor supervision) but all of my clothes were way too big. My mom drove me to the store, and for the first time in my life size 0 tops and skinny jeans actually fit. Everyone assumed that would be fun for me, but it wasn’t. Try as I may, I could not see myself in the girl in the mirror. I started crying, and the lady in the next stall asked my mom if I was ok. “I just don’t see me…I don’t know where I went….” We found two outfits before I completely broke down.

Fast forward two weeks. I returned to school, and an acquaintance mentioned that he knew I had been really sick, but “Dang, I looked hot.” I went home and cried. Did he not understand the pain that accompanied being so tiny? Did he not know how much I wished my legs were stronger, or realize how uncomfortable I felt in my new shorts? Did he not know the reason I looked “so hot” was I was too afraid to eat? What did that mean about how he saw me before my illness?

I spent the semester on and off steroids. I had a ravenous appetite, and by Christmas I had gained around 20 pounds. All of my new clothes were too small, and all of my old clothes were still too big. I had failed at keeping my new “hot, tiny body…” and I cried.

Two weeks later I experienced another flare and dropped back down to the “almost dangerous” skinny zone. I cried. My mom cried. My clothes fit, but I looked like a skeleton again.

Three months later I finally achieved remission and returned to school once again a size 0. “At least this disease made you skinny,” they said. And I cried. By graduation I had to buy a dress that was a size 4. I was still tiny but had gone up 2 sizes in 2 months. My clothes became too tight again.

I ordered my wedding dress and told the seamstress I did not know if I would need it taken in or let out. “How much weight could you lose or gain?” she asked. “Possibly 30 pounds more or less.” She had her work cut out for her.

I gave away my “big” clothes, assuming I would never weigh the same as before my diagnosis. I follow a paleo diet… there was no way. I started graduate school. I gained my appetite back…. And I gained the weight back. At Christmas, I packed my shorts for a trip to Florida. When I got there I realized I could no longer zip them. I cried. I decided I would lose weight, tighten up my diet, cut out treats, really try… and I still gained weight.

I now weigh almost exactly what I weighed before my diagnosis. This time, I am not puffy. This time I look healthy and feel good. This time, I have muscle. But this time… I remember the many times I was told how good I looked when I was “so thin.” I wonder if people judge me for gaining 30 pounds in a year. I wonder if they thought I was too thin back then, or they think I am too big now.

My family tells me I am always beautiful… and I cry.

I share this with you to make a very real point about living with chronic illness. There are times when we gain weight and become “puffy”. There are times when we lose weight and look like skeletons. There are times when we are in between. There are people that have had even more drastic weight changes than me due to flares and medication. Autoimmune disorders have a very real impact on all aspects of the body, and this includes your weight.

Weight fluctuation is a very real part of living with an autoimmune disorder. Your appetite and energy level fluctuate. You are put on steroids and gain 20 pounds in two months. Or, life gets in the way, and you gain weight just like anybody else… even if you are eating paleo.

Throughout it all, we are on mood-altering medication, losing our hair, trying to cover up rashes, and struggling to keep our heads above water. Yes, I hated seeing my ribs, but I loved when someone would say, “You look so good. I mean, I love how tiny you are!” My weight has been a constant struggle for me, and maintaining a specific weight has been impossible. I have 3 pairs of the same pants in 3 different sizes that I had to buy in a 3 month span (yes, that is a lot of 3s).

Today, I am exercising, I am eating right, and I am trying to love my body just the way it is. I am trying Crossfit to make myself more toned, and I am cutting back on bad snacks. I am listening to my friends and family more, and focusing on how I look less and less. I am realizing steroids will make me balloon up, and flares will make me drop weight quickly. I may always have a stash of clothes in the back of my closet in case I gain/lose weight…. And that is ok.

When you see someone with an autoimmune disease, take a minute to think about how they got to their current weight. People with chronic illness range from 80-400 pounds. Some people are gaining weight due to lifestyle restrictions and steroids. Some people are losing weight due to malnutrition. And it is always hard. Love us just the way we are. Sometimes it is hard for us to love ourselves.

How to Succeed in School with a Chronic Illness

Being in school while managing chronic illness is like navigating a minefield. You never know when symptoms are going to hit or the impact it will make on your education. When I was really flaring I would leave for class not knowing if I would make it through the lecture and wondering if I had the strength to get back home. I was so high on medication I could barely remember my own name, much less new information. I was a zombie, just trying to piece together some semblance of a life.

Even a year into remission, my stamina is still pretty low. I have to sleep at least 8-9 hours every night (no exceptions), stay hydrated (AND NEVER HAVE CAFFIENE), exercise the exact right amount (I shoot for at least 30 minutes a day), and eat three balanced meals (that I usually make myself). Some days I wake up and I can’t leave my apartment. I could feel great in the morning and be certain my body is trying to kill me by the afternoon.

My life does not fit into the “typical student” lifestyle you picture of all-nighters and coffee addiction.  However, myself, and many people with autoimmune disorders, are taking on the world of higher education. It may not be easy, but it is possible. No matter if you are in middle school, high school, college, or beyond, chronic illness complicates your schooling, but there is a way to make navigating the minefield a little easier.


Here are just a few tips I have used to make it through school with a chronic illness:

Advocate for Yourself.

You have a diagnosis for a reason. Tell your professors/teachers about your autoimmune disorder after the first class. Let them know how serious your disease can be and how quickly it can effect you. If you have to miss a meeting with your classmates, let them know why. When I was first diagnosed I was embarrassed about my IBD (because of all the glamorous symptoms) and tried to push through without telling anyone what was going on behind the scenes. This only caused confusion and stress, so I went ahead and told the people around me about my Ulcerative Colitis.

Instead of wondering why I was constantly distracted or MIA, they reached out to support me. My classmates often give me notes when I miss class and share their study guides when I am too tired to create my own. I was able to graduate from undergrad because two of my professors went to the administration and asked that I participate in their classes online when I told them I would be out of school for at least 6 weeks.

At the beginning of each semester I walk up to my professors after class and give the same quick statement.

Hi, I think that you have heard something from Disability Services about me (they send out an email every semester to my professors). I just want you to know that I have an autoimmune disorder called Ulcerative Colitis. This basically means my body attacks itself, and I have a difficult time digesting food. I am on medication and currently in remission so I do not forsee this having a huge impact on my classes, but I like to be upfront and let you know. Usually I am fine, but some days I wake up and I just can’t get out of bed. This can happen extremely quickly. I also am on strong medication with a lot of side effects. Sometimes I react really well and sometimes I experience fatigue, migraines, pain, and nausea. If I have to miss class, I will make sure to contact you as soon as possible. Can you think of anything ahead of time I can do to make up class if I miss it?

This usually sparks a great conversation with my professor about accommodations I may need or how I compensate when I am feeling ill. So far, my professors have been nothing but understanding. This year alone, I have had a professor give me an entire lecture I missed due to a Remicade migraine, another professor offer to let me take my final in a room alone in case I got sick or needed to run to the restroom, and yet another professor offer to work with me individually when I caught a bug (lowered immune system) and was forced to miss a lab. Advocating for yourself really works. It helps people better understand your disease, and I have found when people understand they are always willing to offer a helping hand.

Tell Them You are Sick

  • Send an email

Teaching is a hard profession and a lot of work goes into each lecture. Make sure your professor knows you take your schoolwork seriously by letting he or she know you will be absent with an email AS SOON AS YOU KNOW YOU ARE SICK. It looks professional, it makes for easy communication, and it allows all information to be written down in case you need to look at the response later. State you are sorry for the inconvenience, give a brief description of what happened (caught a bug, migraine from medication, had a flare), and ask what you can do to make up the class.

  • Text if Possible

I do not have the numbers of most of my professors, but I do have the phone number of those I work with in clinic. Most people have their phones on them 24 hours a day. It is a quick and easy way to follow-up an email without getting out of bed. Once again, make sure the tone is professional. I usually just say hello, sorry for texting you last minute, I sent an email but I wanted to make sure you knew, I have x today and won’t be making it to clinic/class.

  • Ask Another Student to Tell

This is extremely helpful if you get sick right before class. Even if you sent an email, many professors do not have the time to check their emails throughout the day. Having someone say something directly to the professor ensures that they get the message.Usually I just leave this one as will you let Professor X know I’m sick today? Your professor has enough time to get the gist when he or she reads your email later.

  • Ask What you Can do to Catch Up

Always ask what you can do to catch up on the lecture you missed. Not only does it show you take your classwork seriously and realize classes are important, it is usually this statement that gets a professor to meet with me one on one or give me additional information that will be useful.

Learn to Let Go

I am a classic nerd, and I have always worked like crazy to make straight A’s. After my diagnosis I quickly learned that it wasn’t always possible for me to make straight A’s anymore. I couldn’t stay up all night studying for a huge test. When I feel sick, I can’t focus. My goal has switched to learning the important information and passing my classes. I may not make straight A’s and that is ok. I had to learn to Let It Go… Let It Go…. Yes, I love Frozen. I make no apologies.


Use Disability Services

This is the greatest resource you have in the educational world. I have found most professors are great at working with you, but every once in a while you need someone in your corner. Disability services (or whatever it is called at your school) is there to help you and advocate for you when advocating for yourself is not enough. I also found just having documentation through this office helped my professors take my autoimmune disorder more seriously.

Take a Break When You Need It

My favorite study tool is a quick nap. I know it sounds crazy, but I have learned I can only study so long before my mind checks out. After that point I know I won’t remember anything. I can take a 15 minute break or a quick 30 minute nap and feel refreshed enough to study a little longer. Breaks are crucial for me and help me perform much better.


Do Your Make-Up Work

No matter what you missed, make sure you know the material. I have a friend in class who records all of our lectures for a professor. I will re-listen to these, thumb through the book, and make sure I understand the material before the next lecture. If I miss lab I make sure to meet up with my professor to make sure I can grasp whatever I missed.

Do Your Work Ahead of Time

I learned this tip the hard way. We all know that the beginning of each semester moves a lot slower than the end. I tend to feel better when life is moving slower, and in the past I have gone ahead and worked on projects, made notecards for midterms, or tried to look ahead. This semester I did not do these things and faced the consequences during finals. I had a little mini-flare and still had a mountain of work. It was AWFUL. Work ahead, get it done, and you will feel much better towards the end of the year. This also helps a lot in group projects. Working ahead ensures you won’t leave your classmates hanging if you feel poorly.

Making it through school with a chronic illness may be difficult, but that does not mean it is impossible. I hope these tips help you to better navigate the minefield and make it easier to obtain success in the educational world. 

How A Serious Paleo Diet Changed My Life… by Madison Fox

Check out this amazing post written by an incredible lady. Her story is extremely close to mine, and I am so thankful she is feeling better. We were both seriously struggling at the same time at the same undergraduate program. Through two different paths, we both found healing through diet and lifestyle. Today, we are both successful in two different graduate programs and… healthy! You go Madison! Thanks for sharing your incredible story.!How-A-Serious-Paleo-Diet-Changed-My-Life/cy97/56e093020cf267d0f2d66fd0

Not Every Day Can Be a Good Day

Not every day can be a good day. This simple truth is something I have struggled with since my diagnosis.

I truly believe that the changes I made brought me out of my year-long flare. I spend almost all of my limited free time maintaining the medicinal, lifestyle, and dietary routines necessary to keep me healthy. Since I dedicate so much time to my health, I should reap the rewards every moment of every day of the year, right? I should be skipping through meadows and reminiscing about when I used to suffer from a chronic illness. That would be nice. 🙂

While my investment severely minimizes the bad days, it definitely does not eliminate them.

I feel a little guilty even addressing this subject as I am about to celebrate a YEAR in remission. I had a great gastro visit last week in which my doctor literally patted me on the back. This great gastro check-in used to seem like an impossibility. At this time last year I was debating turning down my acceptance to graduate school, thinking about canceling my wedding, and talking with my doctor about surgical intervention. Every morning, when I head to school after kissing my husband goodbye, I thank the Lord for my health. I am truly thankful for this last year, but some days I am still left wondering what life would be like without UC.

The day after my amazing doctor’s visit I began feeling pain, body aches, and nausea. While I wasn’t experiencing a flare I knew I was headed that direction. My body definitely needed my next Remicade infusion. I felt defeated, and I started wondering what I had done to ruin my health. I began blaming myself for how I felt, for not being stronger, and for spending the day on the couch when I really needed to be in the library. I was pretty far down the path of self-blame when I remembered…

I have a chronic illness.

Yes, my “bad” days now are the days I used to pray for during a flare, but I am still allowed to have days where I can’t keep up with everyone else. Even though I am doing extremely well, there will always be days when I feel terrible. My body is constantly attacking itself. On these bad days, I need to step back and let my body recover. It is impossible to do everything correctly all the time, and even if I follow every hypothesis on how to keep a body with UC healthy, every day is not going to be a good day.

The bad days, no matter how often or how sparse, will always be around. And that is ok!

I have to stop trying to find the perfect combination of diet and lifestyle that will provide me with unlimited energy and no symptoms. I have an autoimmune disorder. My body will always be attacking itself and sometimes I have to give myself the time it needs to adjust. While my diet is helpful it cannot heal me. I can provide my body with the best weapons possible, but I am not going to win every battle. My goal is to win the war.

Basically, the whole point of this post is…

When you have an off-day, do not beat yourself up. It happens. Your body is fighting off a whole host of internal attacks every day. It is ok to ask for help and realize you cannot do it all, even if you are in a much better place than you have been in the past. Take a day or two to sit back and recover. Then, get back out there and fight. While not every day can be a good day, the majority definitely can.

Even on the bad days there is something to celebrate… like the fact that my puppy loves me enough to give me his most prized possession… on my face…. during my nap… in his own cute attempt to cure me.



How To Eat Paleo Without Going Hungry or Insane

Imagine this common scenario. You come home after a long day and there is nothing to make for dinner. Your energy is completely drained, you have a million things left to do, and the last place you want to spend your time is in the kitchen. You are hungry and frustrated. The take out menu begins calling to you, and the battle between health and efficiency has begun.

No matter how hard you try, your health continues to be sacrificed.

It seems like there is no hope… until now.

It is time for me to share my dirty little secret… most of the time I hate cooking. By Tuesday night meal planning and prepping becomes unbearable. However, I know making my own meals improves my stamina, energy level, attitude, and number of symptom-free days. The only way for me to stay on track is to remove the stress from midweek cooking. Through many months of trial and error, I created several tips for myself (and you) to help keep away the workweek blues. No matter what diet improves your health, these tips can help you stay on track in a busy world.

Make A Plan:

When I started my graduate program I began making a meal plan for every week.  At the start of this semester, I moved to weekly breakfast (usually 2 eggs and a smoothie) and lunch (usually a larabar, cut veggies, apple, sunbutter, and bag of veggie chips) plans with monthly dinner plans. I shop every Saturday for groceries. Below is my monthly meal plan for January with each meal scheduled. Easy meals are scheduled on busy days and more complicated meals are either scheduled for shorter work days or prepped days before.

Screen Shot 2016-02-06 at 2.16.38 PM

These meals are then listed in order on a word document, with all ingredients and instructions I do not have memorized, for easy access during the week. Click on the link below to see an example of my meals from January. Almost every meal was pulled from online resources, paleo cookbooks, and Pinterest. Some included new recipes. While many were wildly successful, a few will be replaced in the next rotation.


Before my weekly grocery run I can scan the ingredients for the next week and see which items I need to pick up at the store. The planning seems tedious, but it saves SO MUCH time during the week.

Stick To The Plan:

Some nights all I want is to do is pop in a pizza and lay down on the couch. Sticking to the plan can be tough, but it makes me feel great. I have to remind myself it only takes five more minutes to stir-fry my veggies or pop prepped chicken thighs in the oven. If I don’t… I face the consequences, and often end up with a stomachache and a few days worth of rotten food.

Make A Shopping List And Only Buy What Is On The List:

If you buy junk at the grocery store, you will eat it. Do not let that junk in your house! You will cave! Can you tell I am saying this to myself? Make a list, and only buy what you need for the week. Include healthy snacks for a growling stomach in between meals. Your body will reap the benefits from your nutritious choices. Making a list also saves time. Instead of wandering down the grocery isles picking out what seems good at the moment, I sprint through my list like lightning and can be out of the store in 15 minutes.

Have A Back-Up: 

Sometimes things happen and there is no possible way to make the meal you planned. That’s ok! Have a back-up meal you can easily throw together. My back ups are banana pancakes with bacon, tuna salad, and grass-fed hot dogs sautéed with sauerkraut. I keep the ingredients on hand at all times for the days when it seems nothing goes right. Sometimes I have to remind myself that these are back-up meals because I love them so much…


Pick Yummy Foods to Make:

There is nothing worse than coming home to a bland meal. Eating paleo, AIP, or Whole30 does not mean giving up taste. Take time to find a multitude of delicious recipes you know your whole family will enjoy. Pick different flavors and styles to keep your palate from getting bored. Make sure your meals include your favorite fruits, veggies, or a tasty surprise. It makes it much easier to stick to your diet if you know you will enjoy it.

Meal Prep, Meal Prep, Meal Prep:

This is probably the most essential step. Without meal prep it is impossible to eat clean during the week. My meal prep usually occurs on Sunday afternoons. It takes me a few hours, but I can throw my meals together in minutes during the week. During prep I make lunches for both my husband and me. I also chop up veggies, rice cauliflower, roast sweet potatoes, and season meats to pop into the oven. Below is a picture of my typical meal prep. It is a lot, but it means not stressing once the week starts.


Make Simple Meals:

Complicated meals or new ingredients tend to stress me out. I save new recipes with unknown items for long days like Saturday and Sunday. This midweek salad is simply mixed greens topped with mushrooms, leftover artichoke hearts, celery, carrots, and salmon seasoned with salt and pepper. Simple can be delicious without any added stress.


Eat It More Than Once:

The best nights are leftover nights. Make extra and plan to have the meal more than once. Usually the flavors have marinated and it is even better than the first night. All leftover night requires is a few minutes in the microwave. Can you tell this is my favorite night of the week?

Take It With You:

Following your diet is increasingly hard if you are not in control of your meals. It is nearly impossible for me to explain what I eat to new friends or address my dietary concerns for a pre-planned meal at a conference. When I go to a party or on a trip, I make sure to pack something I can eat. This pack ranges from a simple snack to a whole set of Tupperware depending on the situation. By bringing my own food, I still get to enjoy the social aspect of meals and travel without wrecking my body.

Below is a meal my parents helped me pick up at a grocery store before a road trip. After trips stuck eating french fries (which i love) and nothing else, packing food was a relief.


Eat Beforehand:

Sometimes it is easier to just eat before you meet up with people. For school gatherings with professors and staff, I often eat on my own beforehand. With a full stomach, I’m not tempted by the spread of goodies present wherever I am going.


These are the tips I follow with to make sure I stick to my paleo diet and feel my best. I hope that they help you feel your best as well. Feel free to comment any additional tips or questions!

Nightshades: The Inflammatory Secret of Paleo Cuisine

Nightshades are the secret inflammation-causing problem of paleo. Many people have never even heard of nightshades… I know this term was completely foreign to me when I started paleo.

So what are nightshades?

Nightshades are a family of vegetation that uses different levels of toxicity as protection. Many nightshades are poisonous, but several are used in everyday cooking.

Edible nightshades:

White potatoes



Peppers (both sweet and spicy)

Spices created from these ingredients

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While normal bodies have no problem with the small levels of toxicity found in these foods, people with autoimmune disorders, and some people without, often have increased sensitivity to nightshades. We are unable to fully process nightshades, and we can experience some pretty intense symptoms when we eat them. These may include “diarrhea, gas, bloating, nausea, painful joints, headaches, and depression.” Doesn’t that sound like your autoimmune symptoms?

Cutting out nightshades can be a critical step to gut healing. I cut out nightshades completely for 6 months. I now eat tomatoes about once a week, but I am still fairly wary of peppers and only save them for special occasions. For me, potatoes never caused a problem. Everyone is different and foods affect everyone differently. This may be my new mantra.

Try cutting out nightshades and see if it can help your health. If you’re not sure these foods cause you issues, at least gain enough information to make an informed decision. Below are the resources I used for this post. Check them out for more information.

My Resources:

Are Nightshade Vegetables Dangerous?

Paleo Treats

So today, one of my favorite topics: Paleo Treats. Eating paleo is all about health and combating inflammation through delicious nutrient-rich ingredients.

However, every once in a while we all have to succumb to our sweet cravings, and there are paleo options! I have a huge sweet tooth… sorry I’m not sorry. Honey and cocoa are still better than refined sugars and processed baking mixes, right?

I try to eat Whole 30 during the week and save my paleo treats for the weekends, but snow days are definitely exceptions. Today’s exception was primal fudge…. which turned out AMAZING. Even my husband couldn’t get enough. Thank you practical paleo!


The best way to find paleo treats is through pinterest and blogs. My pinterest page is full of delicious recipes that I use consistently or still want to try out. You can simply type in paleo treats, paleo cookies, paleo cakes, or paleo ice cream and search through the recipes for something that suits your cravings and tolerances. Hint: This also works for other paleo cravings like bread or snacks.

People have already created the recipes; you only have to try them out. Some are delicious and some are not so great. With more complicated recipes, it can take a few tries before you are able to perfect them. But…Never feel like you don’t have any recipe options. There is always something already out there. Unless you have a real desire to become a professional paleo baker, there is no need to recreate the wheel.

I let the experts do the heavy lifting and use their resources to trick my friends and family into thinking they are eating their favorite inflammatory delicacies… I personally do not tolerate any kind of nut flour or nut milk, so I usually stick to recipes created from coconut flour and coconut milk. Every once in a while I will branch out and try some nut-based recipes, but the majority of the recipes are coconut-based. Usually, people never miss “the real thing”, because they love my desserts made with real ingredients.

Simple recipes with simple ingredients help keep grocery costs low. Some paleo recipes can get really complicated, really quickly. The more special ingredients needed, the higher the cost of the dessert. I was never a great baker before my diagnosis, and I doubt I will ever possess real talent in the kitchen. I usually use simple recipes with minimal ingredients. This was especially helpful when I first started on the diet and was confused about many paleo ingredients. If I want to try a recipe with foreign ingredients, I make sure to research the ingredients and find the least costly way to buy it.

If you are looking for a paleo dessert for a special occasion or just a yummy treat, here are some delicious recipes I rely on constantly. Many contain Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips that aren’t exactly paleo, but are allergy-free and created with organic cane sugar. None of the following pictures are mine… maybe someday I’ll become a photographer.

Sweet Tea: Substitute your normal sugar-filled tea for a tea sweetened with palm sugar or honey. Simply switch out the amount of sugar called for in a recipe with the same amount of one of these healthier ingredients.

sweet tea

Paleo Brownies: The best recipe I have found yet. It is especially good covered with banana ice cream. You can add nuts or Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips if you want.

coconut brownies

Banana Ice Cream: This was a pinterest recipe. One frozen banana combined in a blender with a quarter cup of coconut milk and whatever flavoring you desire. My favorites:

  • Cherry Vanilla: frozen cherries and a dash of vanilla
  • Chocolate: a tablespoon of cocoa powder
  • Chunky Monkey: walnuts and Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips
  • Chocolate “Peanut” Butter: a tablespoon cocoa powder and then mix in sunbutter with a spoon
  • Banana Sorbet: Just add more frozen fruit after blending the first time. Only pulse a few times for chunky fruit or hold down for a super-blended treat.

banana ice cream

Blueberry Syrup: Combine a bag of squished frozen blueberries or a pint of squished fresh blueberries with a dash of vanilla and a quarter cup of honey (add or subtract based on your taste) in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and then let simmer until it takes on a thicker syrup-like consistency. Thanks dad for creating it!


Chocolate Fondue: This one is really easy and probably not paleo.

  • Melt Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips and dip whatever fruit you want in the delicious goodness. I suggest strawberries, bananas, and pineapple.


Paleo Vanilla Flag Cake: If I can make it, you can make it. Mangia Paleo is wonderful and creates delicious food. This cake is super moist, fluffy, and delicious.

paleo flag cake

Date Rolls: My mother found coconut date balls at grocery store when I was interviewing for grad school. When we came home, my mother-in-law recreated them in her kitchen and we have never looked back.

  • Combine fresh, pitted dates in the food processor with a drizzle of honey. Feel free to add more honey if you want more sweetness. Pulse until the pieces are small enough to stick together. Roll the dates into inch-sized balls. Roll each ball in shredded coconut. Enjoy!

coconut date balls

‘Peanut’ Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies: Against all Grain is my favorite resource for every type of recipe. I suggest you buy both of her books and her ebooks. This recipe is super easy to make and something that I love to have on hand for snacking, with or without chocolate chips.


Chocolate ‘Coconut Macaroons’: They taste just like girl scout cookies. I make this recipe so often I don’t remember where I found it. It is definitely not my own and thank you to whoever created it! It is so easy and a huge success with non-paleo people. Sometimes, it even convinces them to come over to the semi-paleo side. 🙂

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and rub a lot coconut oil or palm shortening over a cookie sheet. If you don’t do this, the cookies will stick. Mix one cup of enjoy life chocolate chips, one cup of shredded coconut, one egg, and one tablespoon of maple syrup together in a bowl. Scoop a spoonful size of cookie mix on the pan until the bowl is empty. Bake for 8-10 minutes, until the chocolate is melted and the coconut is just turning brown. Allow them to cool and enjoy!

coconut macaroons

Smoothies: This one has no guilt. It is completely anti-inflammatory and a great way to start off your day. This was the first treat I added back into my diet and is still my favorite.

  • Add one fresh banana, a handful of frozen blueberries, 5 or 6 frozen cherries (or other berries if tolerated), and a splash of coconut milk to a blender (or nutribullet… I highly recommend one). Enjoy!



Welcome to my blog! I am a graduate student, a newlywed, and a strong believer in using proper medication, diet, and lifestyle to manage chronic illness. When I first decided to try going paleo I was completely lost. I used online resources to create a diet that worked for me, and I hope to share the information I gained with others diagnosed with autoimmune disorders.

So, to begin… What exactly is paleo?

The Paleo Diet was created for today’s busy population to return to the good ole’ days, the caveman days, when all food was natural and nothing was processed. People on the paleo diet eat lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. We avoid inflammatory foods like dairy, grains, soy, refined sugars, legumes, alcohol (ok…I do drink red wine), and processed foods.

paleo blog

For me, as someone diagnosed with an intestinal autoimmune disorder, I also limit the amount of nuts, seeds, nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, white potatoes, eggplant) and raw vegetables in my diet. If you want to take the paleo diet a step further, you can try the autoimmune protocol (AIP) version of the paleo diet.

I, without medical or scientific evidence, highly suggest beginning carefully with foods on the diet that you can tolerate. I began my diet journey closer to AIP and slowly introduced other paleo foods as I became stronger and braver. Changing my diet actually expanded my food choices. I went from eating 10 foods every day, every meal, to eating everything (and more) shown in the pyramid below.

table 1

Everyone is different and foods affect everyone completely differently. The goal is to get to a diet that makes you feel as strong and healthy as possible!

The Amazing Resources I Learned From:



Quick Switches On The Paleo Diet:

White Sugar = Palm Sugar/Honey/Maple Syrup

Rice = Cauliflower Rice

Potatoes = Sweet Potatoes/Mashed Root Veggies

Vegetable/Canola Oil = Coconut Oil/Olive Oil/Avocado Oil

Butter = Ghee

Flour = Almond Flour/Coconut Flour

Mayonnaise = Avocado (There is also paleo mayo)

Milk = Coconut Milk/Almond Milk

Parmesan Cheese = Nutritional Yeast

Soy Sauce = Coconut Aminos + Fish Sauce

Pasta = Spaghetti Squash/Spiralized Zucchini or Squash